Tuesday, April 29, 2014

There's no hurry in Africa? Well, think again...(Tanzania hospitality)

Breaking News: African hospitality industry Shakeup !!!!!

Marriott acquires Protea hotel group to be the largest African chain hotels,(Tanzania has a few in and outside the national park)
Hilton Worldwide and Carlson Rezidor in particular have "invested heavily" in development offices in Africa.
Sheraton already has hotels in Dar-es-salaam and Zanzibar .

These are news most Tanzanian and African hotel owners are waking up to hear on daily basis,brands that can take the very market that most local hotels have flourished and depended on for generations.Questions that loom around for these local accommodations include:Where do we go from here?, Should we invest more in marketing,buildings customer service and technology that these powerful brands have in order to survive and compete?should we change our business model or should we just quit all together and find a different gig?
These changes can be a blessing in disguise for the industry especially in our region of Arusha (Aka Safari capital of Tanzania) because with competition & pressure hoteliers will have to roll back their sleeves and come up with innovative ideas to survive and compete for the market share like never before.The term "There's no hurry in Africa" might have to be re-written in the 21'st century.

Brought to you by Tumaini Cottage Arusha accommodation online at www.tumainicottage.com , phone number 784-588-698 or for United States call our representative at 3179871066 and 2102684166.
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